

Our liturgy is what brings the community together to be in communion with God and each other.  Men and women, boys and girls, age 10 through adult, are invited to participate in this important aspect of our common life by taking part in the service.  Acolytes learn to light the altar candles, carry the torches in procession, assist the priest at the altar, and carry the processional crosses. No previous experience is needed; training is provided.  Contact: Peter Lindsay, Acolyte Coordinator, through the church office at (513) 523-7559 or by email in order to begin service as an acolyte.

Lectors and eucharistic ministers

Scripture, prayer, and the Eucharist are at the center of our common life in the liturgy.  Men, women, and young adult volunteers are scheduled as Lectors on a rotating basis to read the appointed passages from the Old Testament, the psalms and the New Testament Epistles; and to lead the community in the Prayers of the People. For information about serving as a Lector, contact Rosalyn Benson, who coordinates these activities (through the church office or by email).


Eucharistic ministers carry the Gospel book in the processions and administer the chalice during Holy Communion. Many also lead daily Evening Prayer in-person or online during the academic year.  Training is provided for each of these activities. For information about becoming a Eucharistic Minister, contact Bob Benson, the coordinator of this group (through the church office or by email).


Oblationists represent the congregation when they bring the unconsecrated bread and wine to the altar at the Offertory.  They also distribute the alms basins to the congregation and bring the basins back to the altar just before the Great Thanksgiving.

Altar Guild

Kathy Mohylsky, Director of the Altar Guild

Kathy Mohylsky, Director of the Altar Guild


Men and women offer their time and talent to serve in God's house so that the congregation may worship God in the beauty of holiness (Psalm 96:9).  The Altar Guild cares for the altar, its furnishings and linens, the holy vessels used in the Eucharist and the processional crosses and torches.  The Guild prepares the Sanctuary for each service with members serving regularly on a rotating basis.  Preparation usually entails one hour on Saturday morning as well as a half hour after the service.  To volunteer to serve on the Altar Guild, contact Kathy Mohylsky through the church office at (513) 523-7559 or

Ushers and Greeters

Marianne and Bob Dice

Marianne and Bob Dice

Ushers make Sunday churchgoers feel welcome, comfortable, and included. Ushers greet parishioners and visitors, hand out bulletins or other things that worshipers may need and suggest seating.

Elaine Brandner, Head Usher

Elaine Brandner, Head Usher

Greeters assist the ushers in extending hospitality to parishioners and visitors as they arrive at the church. They can also answer questions about accessibility, location of restrooms, and enhanced hearing devices.  To serve as an usher or greeter, contact Elaine Brandner (through the church office or by email).

Eucharistic visitors

Eucharistic Visitors are members of the parish who become the hands and feet of Jesus to those parishioners who are no longer able to receive the Eucharist at our weekly masses by taking the consecrated bread and wine to them. In addition to sharing the Holy Communion, they pray for those they visit, take information about the parish and its activities and relay weekly announcements to them. Eucharistic Visitors are trained to carry out this important activity.