Holy Trinity Vestry Covenant

General Expectations for Vestry Members 

•       Attend vestry meetings, parish annual and special meetings, committee meetings as assigned, and vestry retreats (as scheduled).

 •       Come prepared to meetings, having read all materials distributed in advance.

 •       Let us know if you’re unable to attend a vestry meeting or event. Just leave an email or phone message for the rector.

 •       Stay informed about parish, diocesan, and national church issues.

 •       Actively participate in parish life.

 •       Be a pledging member of Holy Trinity. 

 •       Receive training and be certified in the Safeguarding God’s Children and Safeguarding God’s People programs for prevention of sexual misconduct.

 •       In your third year of your three-year term, serve with third-year colleagues (and others, as set forth in parish bylaws) as the nominating committee—both for new vestry members and for delegates to diocesan convention. The nominating committee needs to begin working in October to consider candidates for election at the parish annual meeting in February or March. All candidate information must be submitted to the communications coordinator by January 1.

 •       Communicate effectively.

 For God, we promise to

•       Maintain an active personal and corporate prayer life.

•       Be mindful of our baptismal vows.

 For God and one another, we promise to

 •       Treat each other and our work with respect. Cultivate self-awareness.  Be flexible and open to other points of view with a willingness to change our own ideas after careful listening.  

 •       Discuss, debate, and disagree openly in meetings, expressing ourselves clearly and honestly. 

 •       Support decisions of the vestry. If a member disagrees with a decision, the disagreement may be added into the minutes with his or her name. This request should be made at the time the vote is taken. With this exception, vote tallies will not be reflected in the minutes, nor will debate prior to the vote. 

 •       Promote the theology and practice of Christian stewardship to the whole congregation.

 For God and the people of Holy Trinity Church, we promise to

 •       Build a community of trust, doing nothing to violate the confidence of the vestry or the larger community of faith.  

 •       Focus on mission and policy, not attempt to manage day-to-day operations.

 •       Take a broad view; represent the interest of all served by Holy Trinity and make decisions for the good of all.

 •       Refrain from using the vestry or congregation for personal advantage; sign a conflict of interest policy as required of all fiduciary agents and representatives of the parish.

 •       Support clergy and staff so their efforts can be most productive. 

 •       Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people. 

 May 2015