Holy Trinity is a community of people who see God in every person.  This idea is about the incarnation of God's son Christ in the human body of Jesus of Nazareth, a man who lived on this planet like all of us.  By coming into the physical world, Christ brought the greatest power in the world to us and shared it with us: his redeeming love. 


At Holy Trinity we believe that God’s love is present and alive in all of us: inside ourselves and inside those we encounter.  We celebrate the coming of Christ into the world every year at Christmas; and we celebrate it every time we consume the bread and wine—the life-giving body and blood of Christ—at communion.

This is so important to us, that we want to share it with all in order to help heal a broken world.  To this end, we have committed ourselves to a broad mission. 

our Mission and vision 

At Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, we worship, learn, and serve--

• to celebrate God's blessings and see God in all people,

• to deepen our understanding of a complex and conflicted world,

• to strive for mercy and justice, inclusiveness, and peace,

in connection with community and campus.

Commitment to welcoming and accepting

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church is a welcoming congregation offering spiritual sanctuary to all persons.  We recognize each individual as a unique child of God.  We commit ourselves to making justice and inclusivity a reality in this congregation and the world.

Images below are of life and activities at Holy Trinity.