GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: Regular, Planned and Targeted


Pledges - The main source of support for the ministries and programs at Holy Trinity is pledge income. Pledges of unrestricted contributions account for about two thirds of our annual budget.  The pledge cards received at the end of each year are the key source of information that the Vestry relies on in determining what expenditures will be possible to undertake during the coming year.

Estate Planning - Parishioners should remember Holy Trinity when planning their estates. Naming the Church, or the Endowment, as a beneficiary in one’s will or trust is a very effective way in which to assure that God’s work can continue to be done at Holy Trinity in the future, even after death. Many options and choices are available. If the Church is designated as a beneficiary of a tax deferred account (IRA or 401(k)), funds will flow to Holy Trinity free of income tax since the Church is tax-exempt.

Designated Gifts - In addition to their annual unrestricted pledge, parishioners may choose to make restricted, targeted gifts for specific purposes. Once a restricted gift has been accepted and received by the Vestry, the funds are used for the designated purpose only. Designated gifts may help to support specific budgeted expenditures; or may allow the Vestry to undertake projects that were not anticipated in the annual budget.

Gifts Designated for Specific Budgeted Expenditures - Gifts to support specific church expenses will help the Vestry to meet the parish’s obligations, end the year in the black, and possibly set aside funds for other purposes. For example, parishioners have made generous donations over the years for Flowers ($3000 annual budget / $40 per week for altar flowers); Community Dinners / Serve City ($2000 annual budget); and Holy Trinity Pantry ($1500 annual budget). Here are some other budget lines that could also benefit from support:

A.  Organ & Piano Maintenance $1600 annual budget.

B.  Gardens & Grounds $1300 annual budget, paid from reserves this year.

C.  Ordinary Repairs & Maintenance $3600 annual budget and the need is far greater.

D.  Technology Expense $2000 annual budget.

E.   Liturgical Supplies $1200 annual budget.

F.   Outreach Donations $4000 annual budget.

G.  Pastoral Care $700 annual budget.

H.  Fellowship & Hospitality $2000 annual budget