Family, youth, and CHildren’s events

The images below are from some of the many activities that children at Holy Trinity participate in and undertake. 

For more information about Family Ministry, please contact John Harper of the Family Ministry Committee at


Parish outing to the Great American Ball Park to see the Cincinnati Reds!


Fall outing to Butterfield Farms for a hayride and other activities.

Pumpkin carving in the Undercroft after the church service before Hallowe’en.

holy trinity youth group

Holy Trinity’s teens participate in a combined Youth Group with the Oxford Presbyterian Church and Faith Lutheran Church, with each church taking turns hosting a meeting. Plenty of good discussion, community service, snacks and fun in a safe environment. Although we did have to hold back on some parts of our Family Ministry through COVID-19, our high school Youth Group was still able to meet, both virtually and in person.
